Accuris SmartGlow™ DNA Stains

SKU: E4000

SmartGlow™ DNA Stains offer a non-mutagenic, environmentally safe alternative to EtBr for nucleic acid visualization. Compatible with UV and blue light excitation, SmartGlow is available in two types: PS (Pre-Stain) for gel staining and LD (Loading Dye) for direct sample application.

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Accuris SmartGlow™ DNA Stains Features

SmartGlow™ DNA Stains replace hazardous Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) with a non-mutagenic, eco-friendly alternative, making gel electrophoresis safer without compromising sensitivity. They work with both UV and visible blue light transilluminators, providing flexibility for various lab setups.

Two Versatile Formats:

  • SmartGlow™ PS (Pre-Stain): A direct EtBr replacement for agarose and polyacrylamide gels, emitting green fluorescence when bound to dsDNA, ssDNA, and RNA. It features excitation peaks at 290nm and 490nm, making it compatible with UV and blue light sources.
  • SmartGlow™ LD (Loading Dye): A 6X concentrated stain mixed directly with samples and DNA markers, eliminating the need to add dye to gels or buffers. Post-electrophoresis, results can be visualized using UV or blue light illuminators.

Simple and Effective Staining Protocols

For SmartGlow™ PS (Pre-Stain):

  1. Prepare 100mL of agarose or polyacrylamide gel solution.
  2. Add 5µL of SmartGlow PS before pouring the gel.
  3. (Optional) For increased sensitivity, add 2.5–5µL per 100mL to the running buffer.
  4. Run electrophoresis and visualize using a UV or blue light illuminator.

For SmartGlow™ LD (Loading Dye):

  1. Prepare and pour your gel.
  2. Mix SmartGlow LD with samples and DNA markers at a 1:5 (dye to sample) ratio.
  3. Run electrophoresis and visualize using a UV or blue light illuminator.


SmartGlow™ DNA Stains SKU'S:

  • E4500-PS: SmartGlow Pre-Stain, 1mL (20,000x)
  • E4500-LD: SmartGlow Loading Dye, 1mL (6x)
  • E4000: SmartBlue Transilluminator (includes amber filter cover, 120V)

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