Crystal Industries and Technologies

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About Crystal Industries and Technologies

With a mission to deliver exceptional value to the scientific marketplace, Crystal Technology & Industries (CTI) has been a driving force for over 25 years. Specializing in high-quality laboratory equipment, CTI collaborates closely with research institutions to create top-tier products. From stainless steel Freezer Racks, known worldwide as the Gold Standard in laboratory freezer inventory control systems, to innovative Benchtop Equipment and Large Capacity Incubator Shakers, CTI is dedicated to continuous innovation and extraordinary customer service. Founded in 1997 by Dr. Jimmy Wang, CTI is committed to pursuing perfection in every aspect of their work. Experience the excellence of CTI and discover a new level of efficiency and performance in your research endeavors.

Check Out Our Crystal Collection Here

Crystalclearrazewand CR 18 AA 01

Clear-Raze UVC Wand

The Clear-Raze UVC Wand is an efficient disinfection tool that uses UV light to…
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Ice-free FreezeBox™ is energy-saving, environmentally friendly, safe, and has no additives. The…
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Ensure High Cell Survivability with a Uniform, Controlled and Reproducible Gradual Cooling Rate…
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Metal tags for aluminum cryo canes

Metal Tags for Aluminum Cryo Canes

Easily identify samples with Crystal Industries' metal tags for aluminum cryo-canes.
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Stainless steel dewar flasks

Stainless Steel Dewar Flasks

Stainless Steel Dewar Flasks allow for storage and transport of low-temperature liquid gases or…
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Magnetic stirrers 3

Magnetic Stirrers

Magnetic Stirrers from Crystal Industries are designed for parallel and series experiments. An…
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CI 191 CX Front

CO2 Incubator

Air-jacketed, dry-wall insulation CO2 Incubator with temperature, CO2 concentration, and…
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Fixed Speed Tube Revolver 1

Fixed Speed Tube Revolver

The Tube Revolver can be used in a variety of laboratory fields such as…
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Variable Speed Tube Revolver 1

Variable Speed Tube Revolver

This Tube Revolver can be used in a variety of laboratory fields such as…
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Crystal Mini Orbital Shaker OS 03 U

Mini Orbital Shaker

Mini Orbital Shakers may be used for several applications including…
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OS 07 UA with Microplates

Microplate Shaker

Microplate Orbital Shakers may be used for several applications including…
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Benchtop Incubator Shaker

Compact Size shaker with advanced features, a sliding platform, and great visibility through a…
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Tube Rotators 2

Tube Rotators

These Tube Rotators from Crystal are an ideal instrument for numerous…
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Aluminum Cryo Canes

Aluminum Cryo-Canes

Crystal Industries' Aluminum cryo-canes are available in two styles, with and without vial…
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An ideal solution for replacing ice baths. Avoids the mess and hassle while providing…
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Aeolus 1

AEOLUS Compact C02 Incubator Shaker

AEOLUS Compact C02 Incubator Shaker features temperature, shaking, CO2 concentration, and…
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OS 06 UA

Multipurpose Shaker

Crystal Technology's Orbital Shakers may be used for several applications including…
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SYC 2102 A

Large Capacity Orbital Shaker

Large Capacity Orbital Shakers may be used for several applications including…
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